Kiemelt hírek

The 7th Middle European Mathematical Olympiad is held in Veszprém, Hungary, August 22-28, 2013.
The competition is organized by the University of Pannonia, Faculty of Information Technology

with the financial support of the



problem propositions:  Dr. Péter Frenkel, Loránd Eötvös University (ELTE), Budapest

local ogranization, general questionsDr. Ferenc Hartung, University of Pannonia, Veszprém



  • Austria (contestants: Dexin Dong, Josef Greilhuber, Moritz Hiebler, Valentin Hübner, Julian Mache, Sergey Yurkevich, team leaders: Gerd Baron, Birgit Vera Schmidt)

  • Croatia (contestants: Kristian Vedran Budrovčan, Ivan Lazarić, Mato Manović, Petar Orlić, Daniel Paleka, Josip Pupić, team leaders: Tonći Kokan, Matija Basic)

  • Czech Republic (contestants: Martin Hora, Matěj Konečný, Viktor Němeček, Tomáš Novotný, Martin Raszyk, Pavel Turek, team leaders: Pavel Calábek, Michal Rolínek)

  • Germany (contestants: Luca Arcidiacono, Yiyang Huang, Patrick Huber, Martin Metz, Matthias Paulsen, Tobias Wilkat, team leaders: Bernd Mulansky, Christian Reiher)

  • Hungary (contestants: Márk Di Giovanni, József Herczeg, Bálint Zoltán Homonnay, Barnabás Janzer, Balázs Maga, Péter Simon, team leaders: Bálint Hujter, József Szoldatics)

  • Lithuania (contestants: Domantas Jadenkus, Aidas Kilda, Jokūbas Ruibys, Povilas Šlekys, Vytautas Šlenfuktas, Indrė Tuminauskaitė, team leaders: Romualdas Kasuba, Aivaras Novikas)

  • Poland (contestants: Albert Citko, Konrad Deka, Michał Figlus, Daniel Grzegorzewski, Karol Kaszuba, Jakub Morawski, team leaders: Andrzej Grzesik, Szymon Kubicius)

  • Slovakia (contestants: Tamás Balogh, Jakub Dargaj, Matúš Halaj, Marko Puza, Bui Truc Lam, Zhen Ning Dávid Liu, team leaders: Róbert Hajduk, Tomáš Kocák)

  • Slovenia (contestants: Lara Jerman, Amadej Kristjan Kocbek, Juš Kosmač, Juan Gabriel Kostelec, Žiga Krajnik, Klara Nosan, team leader: Veno Mramor)

  • Switzerland (contestants: Horace Chaix, Benjamin Favre, Beat Jäckle, David Rusch, Timothée Schoen, Paul Seidel, team leaders: Dimitri Wyss, Alain Rossier)




Individual competition

Team competition



Individual competition:

Team competition




1. Individual competition will take place on August 24, 2013. It will start approximately at 9 a.m. and will last for five hours. The test will consist of four problems. The order of the problems will not depend on their difficulty; the first problem will be from algebra, the second from combinatorics, the third from geometry and the fourth from number theory.

2. Team competition will take place on August 25, 2013. It will start approximately at 9 a.m. and will last for five hours. The students from each team will work on solving problems together.
The test will consist of eight problems. The order of the problems will not depend on their difficulty; the first two problems will be from algebra, third and fourth from combinatorics, fifth and sixth from geometry and the last two from number theory.

3. Each contestant will receive the problems in up to two languages, previously requested on the registration form. Each contestant may write solutions in language of his/her choice, provided that the leader or the deputy leader of his/her team can translate from that language. The solutions may only be written on the front side of the answer sheets provided by the organizers.
Contestants may pose questions to the Jury during the first hour of the exam on both days.

4. The only instruments permitted in the competition will be writing and drawing instruments, such as rulers and compasses. In particular, books, papers, tables, calculators, computers and communication devices will not be allowed into the examination room.

5. Each problem in both competitions is worth 8 points. The marks will be agreed between the coordinators and the leader and deputy leader, according to the marking schemes. The coordination of the solutions of the host team will be organized in the presence of the leader of one of the other teams. In case of dispute, the final decision is on the Jury.

6. Approximately half of the contestants will receive one of the medals (gold, silver and bronze) for the individual competition. The numbers of gold, silver and bronze medals will be approximately in the ratio 1:2:3. The Jury will make the final decision on the number of medals taking into account the distribution of the points of contestants. The contestants with the same number of points will be equally treated. Also, each contestant not receiving a medal who has maximal score (8 points) on at least one problem will receive Honourable Mention.

7. The members of teams that win first, second and third place on the team competition will receive gold, silver and bronze medals, respectively.
In case of a tie for the one of the first three positions, for teams with equal total number of points the following additional criteria will be applied: For each team, we sort the numbers of points on single problems in descending order; then we read it as an eight-digit integer. A team is better if the corresponding number is greater. If these numbers are equal, the teams will share the position.
In case of a tie for the positions other than the first three, the tie will not be broken.


Previous competitions


The Austrian-Polish Mathematical Competition (APMC) was held from 1978 to 2006. In 2007, instead of the thirtieth Austrian-Polish Mathematics Competition, Austria was the host of the first Middle European Mathematical Olympiad (MEMO). The countries that participated in the first MEMO were Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Switzerland. Hungary and Germany joined them next year, and Lithuania started participating in 2009. Since then, MEMO has ten participants.




program for contestants

program for team leaders

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