Professor Lars Magnus Hvattum (Molde university, Norvégia) előadást tart a Matematika Tanszéken.

Pannon Egyetem Matematika Tanszékének szervezésében


Professor Lars Magnus Hvattum

Molde university, Norvégia

2024. október 9. (szerda) 13:00 órakor

Ranking football players using match sheet data and regression-based models


címmel előadást tart a Pannon Egyetem Matematika Tanszék könyvtárában (Veszprém, Egyetem utca 10., I épület, 3. emelet, 314-es szoba)

 Az előadásra minden érdeklődőt szeretettel várunk!


Abstract: Evaluating the contribution of individuals to the performance of a group is challenging. Team sports provide a transparent setting where such evaluations can be attempted. In basketball and ice hockey, variants of plus-minus ratings have been used to rank players with some success. These ratings are top-down ratings that distribute credit for the performance of a team onto individual players through the use of regression models. This talk describes how such ratings can be calculated for players in football, given the particular features of that game. The resulting ratings are evaluated from several perspectives, including their ability to predict match outcomes and their connections to event based key performance indicators for players.

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