Flexible Scales for Slide Rules
version: 2017.06.05., 16:40'
by Istvan Szalkai , szalkai@almos.uni-pannon.hu
Confidental Trial Version 170605
Only the upper Canvas is working for some increasing functions!
(the lower Canvas is planned to be the same, to have a stator and a slider)
How to use:
1) Choose the function from the Upper Scale "increasing functions" menu. (This clears your
previous session.)
2) Give the endpoints of the interval (use decimal point) or let the default.
NOTE: if the "=" (equality sign) appears before "xleft" then the
left end of the interval can not be altered! The same if "=" is shown after
the box of "xright".
3) Press DRAW1
4) Translations works by the buttons "<=" and "=>" (this will make
the slide rule with two canvases to work in the future)
5) You can repeat 2)-4) above, but after 2) press DRAW1 again
6) choosing 1) clears all, so 2) and 3) are neccessary
7) the button "CLEAR" erases all 1)-4)
Increasing Functions
Decreasing Functions
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Lower scale:
increasing functions
decreasing functions
Istvan Szalkai
University of Pannonia
Department of Mathematics
Veszprem, Hungary