Recent publications of István Győri
in Postscript form
- O. Arino and I. Győri, Qualitative properties
of the solutions of a delay differential equation with impulses: I. Stability,
Diff. Eqns Dyn. Syst. 7:1 (1999) 21-37.
- O. Arino and I. Győri, Qualitative properties
of the solutions of a delay differential equation with impulses: II.
Oscillations, Diff. Eqns Dyn. Syst. 7:2 (1999) 161-179.
- I. Győri and S. I. Trofimchuk,
Global attractivity in x'(t)= -δ x(t) + p
f(x(t-τ)), Dynamic Systems and
Applications, 8 (1999), 197-210.
- I. Győri and F. Hartung, On the exponential
stability of a state-dependent delay equation, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 66
(2000) 87-100.
- I. Győri, A new approach
to the global asymptotic stability problem in a delay Lotka-Volterra differential
equation, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 31 (2000), 9-28.
- I. Győri and S. I. Trofimchuk,
Global attractivity and persistence in a discrete population model, J. Difference
Equations and Applications, 6 (2000), 647-665.
- I. Győri and F. Hartung, Stability in delay perturbed
differential and difference equations, Fields Institute Communications
Vol. 29 (2001) 181-194.
- I. Győri and F. Hartung, Preservation of stability
in a linear neutral differential equation under delay perturbations, Dynamic
Systems and Applications, 10 (2001) 225-242.
- I. Győri and F. Hartung, Numerical approximation
of neutral differential equations on infinite interval, J. Difference Eqns
Appl., 8:11 (2002) 983-999.
- I. Győri and F. Hartung, On equi-stability with
respect to parameters in functional differential equations, Nonlinear Functional
Analysis and Applications, 7:3 (2002) 329-351.
- I. Győri and F. Hartung, Stability analysis of
a single neuron model with delay, to appear in J. Computational and Applied